
Thank you….

After waking up from the darkness, the first thing I remember is thinking “Thank you, Lord”.

Two weeks ago, I was walking my dog right after a small snowfall.  I didn’t get far, maybe one-half mile, when I slipped slamming my head on someone’s sidewalk.  I was disoriented, slurring my speech, off-balance……

Every day since, I just say three words to myself “Thank you, Lord”.

Why?  Because I slammed my head so hard the last thing I remember thinking was “my brain”.

I do have a concussion.  I do have to go to physical therapy twice a week.  I am unable to work.  I hardly get things done.  My thought process is slow.  I wear tape on my glasses, yes – like a nerd,  to hopefully correct my right eye from turning in.  I’m nauseous 24/7.  But…..

I’m still alive.  I can still walk.  I can still see. And, I am, oh, so able to be thankful to the Lord each and every day!

Published by Donna Marie George

Donna Marie George is the author of thewoundedheart, a blog and Facebook page, filled with uplifting experiential stories and inspirational quotes. Her first YA Magical Realism novel, The Hidden Queen of Hy-Breasail, will be released in early 2021. Donna Marie is based in Cleveland, Ohio. She and her wonderful husband have been married for over 30 years and have three beautiful grown children. She loves animals, nature, and spirituality

3 thoughts on “Thank you….

  1. I do hope that you have recovered from your fall and your concussion. I came here by way of “But We Don’t Chew Glass”. I saw your comment and thought I would pop on over for a visit. Gratitude is so important in every situation we may find ourselves in. I live with MS and, if it wasn’t for my positive outlook and twisted sense of humour, I am not sure how I would get through the challenging days. Most days are great and, no matter what the situation may be, I am always so very thankful that I am still able function to the best of my ability. I look forward to getting to know you and to following your blog. 🙂

    Linda @ talesfromthecabbagepatch

    1. Linda,
      Thank you so much for your note. I have not posted in a long time. Right after my last post my Dad became very ill. He passed away after almost three months of suffering. I will keep you in my prayers. I have a few friends that also have MS and are doing wonderfully – they have their days, of course. One became an over 50 competitive body builder. She’s amazing. The other a retired school teacher. I’m going to pop in to your blog as well!!! Thanks again! In peace and light! Donna

      1. Oh, Donna, I am truly sorry to hear about your dad. Grief is such a personal journey and hits us when we least expect it. I hope you found some comfort in the memories that you had of him. Thank you for stopping by the Cabbage Patch. 🙂

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